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How to get free skins and outfits in pubg mobile?

How to get free skins and outfits in pubg mobile? Every player in pubg is fancy about cool looking skins of bag, pan, helmet, vehicals, guns etc. and outfits. But it's never easy to get, unless you have enough fortune to spend on a royal pass. Possessing some of these eye catchy skins will have you a special status. Hence pubg keeps on adding more and more new items like this in their every new update.  Basically  by selling this in-game items   pubg mobile makes money.  It has around 50 million active users daily and even if 0.5 million of its user buy a royal pass it would generate a descent amount of revenue.  What really matters in any kind of game are the skills and not some fancy skins, but we often overlook this fact and try every possible way which might not be illegal but at the same time not legal too, to get this item.  You must have seen many people especially on YouTube telling to download some app or use VPN to get free skin in pubg mobile. This so called tricks
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