How to get free skins and outfits in pubg mobile? Every player in pubg is fancy about cool looking skins of bag, pan, helmet, vehicals, guns etc. and outfits. But it's never easy to get, unless you have enough fortune to spend on a royal pass. Possessing some of these eye catchy skins will have you a special status. Hence pubg keeps on adding more and more new items like this in their every new update. Basically by selling this in-game items pubg mobile makes money. It has around 50 million active users daily and even if 0.5 million of its user buy a royal pass it would generate a descent amount of revenue. What really matters in any kind of game are the skills and not some fancy skins, but we often overlook this fact and try every possible way which might not be illegal but at the same time not legal too, to get this item. You must have seen many people especially on YouTube telling to download some app or use VPN to get free skin in pubg mobi...
Thumb VS Claw | Which one is better? | PUBG Mobile
Do you need to use a claw to become pro player pubg mobile? answer is not necessarily, one can even play better using claw. It's all about reflexes and to some extend on device. But certainly claw helps to improve reflexes and movement a lot, and there's no much movement possible with thumb. Hence often thumb player are regarded as noobs and claw player as pro, but this is just a myth.Claw generally has edge over thumb unless you use gyroscope. If you were playing pubg just for fun untill now thumb was completely fine to use and you need not shift to claw later instead make use gyroscope. But if you want complexity and movement, and want to take your gameplay to next level then only you should use claw. As some player plays with 5 or 4 finger but their movements are same as that of thumb player, then there is no point in playing with claw as you are not doing any different thing.
Thumb+Gyroscope is op, basically gyroscope is more effective while playing with thumb as you can grip your phone properly. The more fingers you add with gyroscope, the less effective it is (in most of the cases). Under the pressure situation thumb are more responsive than that of index or middle finger. But unfortunately thumb setup has more disadvantages than that of its advantages. Even claw has its own disadvantages, one cannot tap faster with their index finger while using DMR or AR at single shot but of course this can be improved with practice and often it is not comfortable to play with claw and there is high chances of missing the buttons you actually want to press when recently shifted from thumb to complex claw. Mastering 5 finger claw is one of the most difficult thing to do because you have to use thumb, index and middle finger at the same time and a lots of practice. Claw has several advantages over thumb, like better reflexes and movements, one can crouch and shoot, drop shots, advance level peak etc.
Gameplay is not dependent on whether you are using thumb or claw, if you got skills and focus you can take down even 5, 6, 10 finger player and at the end both thumb and claw player can do chicken dinner. It is not only that claw player wins everytime and there is no special reward you get if you chicken dinner using claw. So always try to learn and improve through the mistakes instead of criticising and judging others game just on the basis of the number of fingers they use.
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