How to get free skins and outfits in pubg mobile? Every player in pubg is fancy about cool looking skins of bag, pan, helmet, vehicals, guns etc. and outfits. But it's never easy to get, unless you have enough fortune to spend on a royal pass. Possessing some of these eye catchy skins will have you a special status. Hence pubg keeps on adding more and more new items like this in their every new update. Basically by selling this in-game items pubg mobile makes money. It has around 50 million active users daily and even if 0.5 million of its user buy a royal pass it would generate a descent amount of revenue. What really matters in any kind of game are the skills and not some fancy skins, but we often overlook this fact and try every possible way which might not be illegal but at the same time not legal too, to get this item. You must have seen many people especially on YouTube telling to download some app or use VPN to get free skin in pubg mobi...
Pubg mobile gyroscope and best gyroscope sensitivity settings
Gyroscope is a sensor in your phone, which basically changes screen calibration based on the movement or rotation of device. Means one can tilt the phone and control the cross hair movement. It gives mouse like precision, if emulator player got advantage of mouse than mobile player has gyroscope. It improves accuracy and reflexes. It also helps in regulating concentrated spray and quick switching between the targets. By using gyroscope even thumb player can beat the claw player. Basically it is equivalent to one extra finger and it is ideal for the thumb player. The more finger you add with gyroscope less effective it generally becomes, as it is difficult to grip the phone while playing with 4 or 5 finger. Fnatic Owais, former soul member shifted from 5 to 3 finger when he started using gyroscope on "always on", that does not mean that one should compulsorily use less fingers if he wants to play with gyroscope. Coffin, one of the early player to use gyroscope in pubg mobile player shifted from thumb to 4 finger gyroscope. It all depends upon your taste and your comfort. Basically descent aiming and shooting was quite enough to chicken dinner in pubg few seasons back, but now the scenario has changed everyone knows to aim and shoot, and it has become more sort of mind game. Hence in order to beat the competition and to gain an edge over the opponent one should use gyroscope.
Pubg mobile gyroscope |
How to use gyroscope and best gyroscope sensitivity settings?
In setting option you can either keep gyroscope, "always on" or "scope on". But if you want to learn gyroscope properly keep it on always on. The major disadvantage of keeping it on "scope on" is that, whenever there is an ambush, you will try to kill enemy by tilting the device, which will unfortunately not work as gyroscope will be active only on opening the scope. And it does not make sense in keeping it on "scope on", as if you are taking trouble to learn it, why to learn it half-unfinished.
Once selecting it on always on, just enter into training session of pubg Mobile and try to figure out how it works by tilting the device left-right and upside-down. The extent of movement of cross hair varies with the gyroscope sensitivity, hence sensitivity is the key factor in learning the gyroscope. The default sensitivity of gyroscope in PUBG Mobile is not good at all and there is no so called as ideal sensitivity, hence one need to pick sensitivity setting of some good player initially and then customize accordingly as you get used to it.
Best gyroscope sensitivity for beginners |
Most of the player shifts to gyroscope in order to counter the recoil. There are basically three types of gyroscope player based on how they deal with recoil control.
1. Default gyroscope player are the one that slightly uses gyroscope and mostly dependent on the thumb drag to control recoil.
2. Semi gyroscope player are the one that keeps ADS (Aim Down Sight) sensitivity very low and mostly uses gyroscope to control recoil.
3. High gyroscope player are the one that totally depend upon gyroscope to control recoil.
The recoil of gun can be controlled by tilting the device downward. Controlling recoil using gyroscope is easier in iphone compared to any android phone, hence majority of top level gamers are using iphone. Trying to spray on particular point at some distance with different scope, will make you understand perfect sensitivity for that particular scope. While practicing to spray in training session do not use any attachments, so that the recoil will be higher and hence you need to make more effort to control it. The most commonly used scope to spray is 6x (make sure to convert it to 3x). Proning and crouching will help to reduce recoil to some extent. Peeking basically counters the recoil of the side you peek, this would definitely help in better concentrated spray transfer.
Generally it takes 10-15 days to hit laser precise spray if you practice it on regular basis. Once you are comfortable in controlling recoil with gyroscope, reduce the ADS sensitivity to minimum value possible especially in red dot sight, since even slight touch finger while spraying with red dot is enough to make you off target. Usually for sniper and DMR sensitivity for 4x, 6x and 8x should be low for accuracy purpose and for AR sensitivity of red dot, 2x and 3x should be high. While practicing to snipe with gyroscope on, keep the accuracy aside initially, and mainly focus on quick scoping. There is no better place than TDM to practice close combat battle with gyroscope on in pubg mobile, hence invest some considerable amount of time in playing TDM if you want to master it quickly.
One cannot lie down and play if he is using gyroscope. Also hallucination is quite common while playing with gyroscope on for the first time, due to constant shaking of screen but once you get used to it, and trying to play game by keeping gyroscope off, will make game still and not that exciting. Playing in arcade mode for few days after completing each training session is better than directly jumping into classic mode and getting killed soon, so play arcade as much as possible as there is no issue of points reduction in arcade mode. During initial few days you will struggle in close combat but never loose hope, and once you understand the mechanism of gyroscope, it will be difficult for the opponent to match your quickness and kill you.
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